Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yearbook Cover

I wasn't able to upload our entire yearbook. Still trying to figure that one out. Meanwhile, it seems appropriate to display at least its front cover to kick off our blog. So here it is.



Carl said...

I'm leaving a comment here just to demo how the concept works. All you have to do is click on the word Comment and then type what you want to say. You will also have to go through a simple "word verification" step. Try it and see.
You will be asked to "choose an identity." Select OTHER unless you prefer commenting anonymously. After selecting OTHER, you will be asked to provide a name. First name will do. Last name's OK. Make up a name if you wish. Or don't comment at all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carl
I appreciate the fact that someone, namely you, is going to all this trouble to keep us connected. Thanks!

Dave Goldman

BellevilleDick said...

Always wondered who picked "pea green" for the cover.

Anonymous said...

Just received comment from BellevilleDick about the less-than-wonderful pea green cover on our '56 yearbook. Gotta agree.