Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Four Best Thanksgiving cartoons.

There sure are a lot of good cartoons out there this year. These are a little more off-the-wall than most. Enjoy! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Click to enlarge. Again, these have come to me from the Cagle collection at www.cagle.com.

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Bonds-And-Beyond professional sports observation.

This cartoon has been floating around awhile, but it's one of my favorites.
Incidentally, credit needs to be given here to a professional cartoonist named Cagle, who sends me his collection of favorite current cartoons a couple times a week.
If you want to see more of his work and of others, go to http://www.cagle.com/.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

That $100 barrel of oil.

A number of items melded (melded?) in my computer in the past couple days. I thought you'd find them interesting. First, I think the cartoon shown is one of the most personally touching I've seen re oil/gas prices. Second, I was struck by a section of a recent article by Bob Cesca, a very leftist writer who alleges that, in his words, American patriotism is being crushed by Republican SUVs. Third, I found one of the old car pool posters he refers to in my antique ad file.

"During World War II, to which the Bush Wars have been falsely compared by everyone wingnut-shaped, your government created posters urging conservation of gasoline for the good of the war effort. The messages were simple: using gasoline for your meaningless bullshit meant less gasoline for the boys in Europe and the Pacific. It was the patriotic thing to do."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The F-117, F-22, and B-2!

A man named Richard Seaman put together this excellent site that covers three modern stealth aircraft with a topnotch series of photos and knowledgable captions.
At left is the F-117, on display at a British air show. This link will take you directly to coverage of the B-2, with links at the end to detailed descriptions of the F-117 and F-22. http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/AirShows/Edwards2005/B2/index.html
Thanks, Richard! This was assembled in 2005 but is still very fresh and interesting.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Vet's Day

I've got a couple dozen great cartoons on file concerning this day, but I'm including this one here because of its visual impact. It kind of takes the bad taste out of my mouth that I got when I saw Vice President Cheney place the wreath on Saturday at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In my opinion, he doesn't deserve the honor.
Then there's my uncle Ralph, my last surviving relative who fought in WWII. A helluva a guy. A quiet man. Somebody who bounced up and down atop the Pacific for a couple days in 1944 after a Jap sub shot his destroyer out from under him. Yes, I have a couple Japanese imports in my garage. But Ralph buys only Buicks.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yearbook Cover

I wasn't able to upload our entire yearbook. Still trying to figure that one out. Meanwhile, it seems appropriate to display at least its front cover to kick off our blog. So here it is.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Strange Peyton Manning

This may be an unusual way to launch the first SLUH56 blog in the history of the world, but what the heck. Why not? The video shows Manning at QB in a sandlot game but the situation and dialogue are preposterous though funny. It's obviously a fake commercial, but very well done. Just click on that triangle at the lower left of the picture to start the video.
Go ahead and comment if you wish to. I'm new at creating a blog myself, so bear with me.